"Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting" - Bill Gates (1996)
The quote above was made by Bill Gates almost 20 years ago, and he was / is right. Search engine such as Google has evolved into a much more intelligent machine which purpose is to serve visitors the most relevant information searched. Google realises that in order to provide this, it needs to filter the internet with relevant contents to be listed on the top instead of just based on keywords.
With this knowledge, businesses are encouraged to provide more contents on their websites in order to win Google's filtration and finally come up on the top of the search engines. Unfortunately, the process of creating contents, then tweaking them, reviewing them, and tweaking them again before posting consumes a lot of time.
Fiji web design provides content marketing strategy for your businesses, and we can cater from small to large contents according to your budgets.